Record, Results & Vision

Public Safety

San Francisco can and should be the safest large city in America. Like other cities, we are enduring what the US Department of Justice has called a police staffing “crisis,” in the wake of George Floyd’s murder and the ensuing national reckoning.

Mayor Breed is supporting our officers, getting SFPD back to full staffing, stopping drug dealing and theft, and protecting residents, businesses, and our vulnerable seniors.
Record & Results

Officer Recruitment

  • Funded new strategies to recruit, train, and retain officers and made us the best-paid major city in the region for starting officers.
  • The next Academy class will be the largest in years and we will add 200 more officers in the next year, and get to full police staffing in three years.


  • Doubled drug arrests in 2023.
  • Launched retail theft blitz operations.
  • Deployed bait cars and plainclothes officers to disrupt auto break-ins.
  • Installing 400 automated licenseplate cameras at 100 intersections across the city.
  • Appointed a new District Attorney focused on prosecuting crimes, protecting vulnerable residents, and stopping fentanyl dealers.

On the Beat

  • Diverted 911 calls so health professionals are responding to behavioral health issues, and police can focus on crimes like drug arrests, retail theft, and cracking down on street vending of stolen goods.
  • Passed a $25M supplemental to fund overtime and keep our officers walking beats.   
  • Wrote Proposition E to help police stay in the field and give them tools, like cameras in high-crime areas, to enforce ourlaws.
  • Expanded street ambassadors program, complementing officers in the Tenderloin, Downtown, Mission, and transit stations.



We will get to a fully-staffed police department, respecting the hard work our officers do while holding them accountable. We will continue bringing all types of crime down. And we will make San Francisco the safest big city in the country.

Drugs & Street Conditions

Open-air drug dealing and use are not acceptable in this City. Not in the Tenderloin or SoMa. Not anywhere. The families who live in these neighborhoods are not okay with it, and the families who are losing people to drugs are certainly not ok with it.  Sadly, after Covid, we are facing a 2nd national pandemic, this time in the form of Fentanyl.

Mayor Breed is fighting it both from a law enforcement perspective AND public health perspective.
Record & Results


  • Mayor Breed coordinated the SFPD,SF Sheriff, the National Guard, California Highway Patrol, District Attorney, and federal law enforcement to arrest and prosecute those dealing Fentanyl andother deadly drugs.
  • Doubled drug arrests in 2023.
  • At her direction and for the first time in decades, SFPD is enforcing public intoxication laws to arrest people who are using deadly drugs and are a danger to themselves and others, getting them off the street and hopefully into treatment.
  • Sending a message that drug users should NOT come to San Francisco anymore. They will not get free money. They will get arrested.

Public Health

  • Wrote Prop. F to require treatment for adults receiving city assistance.
  • Delivering on her goal of adding 400 new treatment beds.
  • Expanding treatment options including overdose prevention, sober living, and abstinence-based programs.


We will continue fighting fentanyl with everything we have. We will make our neighborhoods safer and our streets cleaner, stop drug tourism, prevent overdoses, help people recover, and reduce the supply of the most deadly drug we have ever seen on our streets.

Downtown Revitalization

Downtown San Francisco will never stay down for long. It has so many advantages: a beautiful waterfront location; robust transit; a dense, walkable neighborhood; restaurants, bars, and entertainment; access to iconic venues like Chase Center and Oracle Park; more deployable capital than anywhere in the US; unparalleled talent; and a culture where we dream the next great idea that will change the world. 

Mayor Breed has a vision for Downtown’s future–a multi-use, vibrant, 24/7 downtown–and her administration is making it happen.
Record & Results

  • Attracting new businesses by offering tax breaks for any company that comes to San Francisco.
  • New leases are beingsigned – led by AI, which alone is projected to add 12 million ft.of office by 2030.
  • Filling empty storefronts through her Vacant to Vibrant program, eliminating fees, offering incentives, and changing laws to get rid of barriers to opening a small business.
  • Dedicated cleaning crews and ambassadors to work alongside our public safety officers.
  • Mayor Breed’s goal is: 30 by 30 – 30,000 more residents and students downtown by 2030

    ○ Wrote Prop. C and other laws to encourage old offices to become new homes. 

    ○ Recruiting the University ofCalifornia, Historically Black Colleges & Universities, USF, and others tocreate a downtown campus.

    ○ Made immediate zoning changes toadd homes and other businesses, prioritizing arts and entertainment to bringthe streets alive.


Mayor Breed’s vision of Downtown is a vibrant, mixed-use neighborhood with transit, bars, restaurants, and venues where people live, work, study, and play. It starts with 30 by 30: 30,000 people by2030.  


The City’s inability or unwillingness to build enough homes for the past several decades has fueled so many of the problems we face: outrageous rents and home prices; homelessness; our shortage of police officers, teachers, and Muni drivers; climate change; and families leaving the city for more affordable places to live. 

Since her time as a Supervisor, Mayor Breed has been working to fix this. She believes San Francisco should have Housing for All.
Record & Results

  • Any piece of anti-housing legislation that comes across my desk, I will veto. Every single one.” – Mayor Breed’s State of the City address
  • Passed her $600M housing bond in 2019 and $300M in 2024 to build and acquire affordable housing throughout the city.
  • SF was one of only two Bay Area cities to have its Housing Element certified on time, a state-mandated plan to build 82,000 homes by 2031.
  • Launched Housing for All, her detailed plan to make our Housing Element a reality.
  • Rezoned areas across the city so that all neighborhoods build new housing.
  • Removed bureaucratic roadblocks in the Planning Code and directed departments to streamline their processes. The City is now approving homes THREE TIMES faster than we did over the last decade.
  • Helping move the 52,000+ new homes that are approved but not yet built by advancing new tools to pay for crucial infrastructure.


With her Housing for All plan, San Francisco can be a city for ALL of us: seniors, middle-income families, renters, young people who grew up here, young people who want to move here, and everyone in between. No Mayor is more pro-housing than London Breed.


Homelessness can be frustrating and seemunsolvable; it is a national crisis impacting every city, large and small, upand down the West Coast.  

San Francisco is actually a national leader inhelping people exit homelessness. But we cannot always keep up with the pace ofpeople living here who lose their homes because of our exorbitant housing costsand the homeless people coming here from other places.  

Mayor Breed is making unprecedented strides toboth prevent and resolve homelessness and keep our streets safe.
Record & Results

  • Helped over 15,000 people exit homelessness since taking office.
  • SF was the only county in the Bay Area to see unsheltered homelessness go down in the last Point in Time count cycle.
  • Increased the city’s shelter capacity by 66% and housing for the formerly homeless by 50%.
  • Fought the outrageous court injunction regarding tents and helped more than 1,500 people into shelter from encampments just in 2023, bringing the number of tents on the streets tothe lowest level since before 2018.
  • To help the most desperate people on our streets, Mayor Breed worked to change state conservatorship laws. Now that she’s succeeded, the city is implementing itfaster than any other county in the state, increasing the number of people submitted for conservatorship by 170%.
  • Aiming to enter 1,000 people per year in Homeward Bound, the program that provides unhoused people a ticket back to their home city and family.
  • Nearly 10,000 households have received rental assistance and other support so they would not end up onour streets.


San Francisco will continue our leadership in helping people exit homelessness, creating more shelter beds and more supportive units, and clearing tents. At the same time, we will build more housing to prevent our residents from becoming homeless. And we must stop the influx of drug tourists and homeless people coming to the city from other areas. We simply do not have the resources to support everyone. Other jurisdictions and the federal government must step up.


San Franciscans should be able to get around our city safely, reliably, and comfortably, regardless of whether they walk, bike, take Muni or drive. That means building and maintaining the infrastructure, policies and programs that keep Muni fast, frequent and reliable; our traffic moving predictably; and our pedestrian and bicycle networks connected and safe. Mayor Breed has been a champion of our transportation system that supports the city’s economy, our workforce, and our families.
Record & Results

  • 72% of Muni riders rated Muni service excellent/good (highest rating since 2001 when survey started)
  • The most frequent buses are arriving on time 90% of the time, decreasing gaps and increasing reliability
  • Major subway delays fell 76% is since 2019, short subway delays fell 89% since 201
  • Delivered more than 21 miles of new transit priority lanes, ensuring public transit delivers riders to their destination reliably, efficiently and quickly.
  • Created over 20 miles of new protected bike lanes 
  • Created 32 miles of Slow Streets and seven miles of car-free streets, including JFK Promenade
  • Sponsored state legislation to install Automatic Speed Cameras to enforce safe driving on City streets
  • Led the state in implementing lower speed limits citywide under state law changes that went into effect in January 2022, lowering the speed limit to 20 mph on 44 miles of streets on 62 corridors.
  • Delivered over 27 street safety projects across the city


We will continue to create reliable, convenient and safe ways to move around the City while supporting our residents, families, children, and businesses, whether you ride Muni, bike, ride a scooter, walk or drive. That means buses crossing our city and rail lines running both under and above ground, and supporting bicycling and walking, by making these options safe and efficient. Investments in these networks help those who need to drive — because the more people we move from cars to other options, the more space there is for those who need to drive. 

Read more about Mayor Breed’s transportation vision here.